Infiltration Basin

What is an Infiltration Basin?

Infiltration Practices are designed to redirect runoff toward the practice, and then filter out contaminants using pre-treatment, stone, and sand filters before it merges with underground waterways or aquifers. This BMP includes systems that don't fall under another BMP such as Permeable Pavement or Bioretention.


How Do I Inspect My Infiltration Basin?

A basic checklist to know what to look for when inspecting an Infiltration Practice to understand when a system may be in need of maintenance in order to remain healthy and functioning properly.


how do i maintain my infiltration basin?

Stormwater BMPs require certain maintenance in regular intervals. Exact helps owners and property managers keep their BMPs performing as designed, meet regulations, and retain their manufacturer's warranty.


How does an infiltration basin get installed?

Overview of the steps taken to install a stormwater infiltration practice according to BMP guidelines.